Oh, here are some things.


All the Mushroom Secrets

Because good things always come in threes, let's round things out with a third video in a row. From the guy who brought you Plum Jam, please enjoy Mushroom Foraging with Nik Westacott.

You just try to tell me you don't want to eat mushrooms out of a frying pan in the woods with Nik Westacott. I want to do that AND bring a bottle of ale and ask Nik to tell me everything he has ever known.

I'm dead now. This Carl Pendle guy has really got my number.


You Serve Your Mother That Cocktail?

Sometimes, you want to do something elaborate and show-stopping with your cocktails. Sometimes you want to flame an orange peel, measure three different kinds of bitters with an eye dropper and squeeze kumquats one-by-one over hand-chipped ice.

And sometimes, you just want to pour something strong out of a big, manly bottle and drink it. Fast. Which is why we're presenting you today with the Mother In Law cocktail.


The Jam

This is relevant to all my interests. Except fountain pens. Fuck fountain pens.*

In case you were not aware, two things are happening this weekend: 1) my birthday and 2) New York gets twenty degrees warmer. I am pretty excited about both of these things, and the video above sort of encapsulates all of those feelings. Hope everyone has a great weekend shoving their faces full of things.

* Just kidding, Marcy!


Conversations with Flynn About Cheese

 10:29 AMSarah: christ, i'm hungry
 me: I just ate a whole grapefruit at my desk and it feels like it just made a grapefruit-sized hole.
 Sarah: i had granola for breakfast which is really only useful for like an hour
 me: Totally. That shit is like rocket fuel for my metabolism. I need to eat a planet one hour later.
10:34 AM Sarah: also did not help that i spent like an hour looking at cheese on the internet last night
 me: I have been digging for food videos all day, so also guilty.
10:35 AM Sarah: after i ordered i was like "oh NO. i could have gotten a LOAF OF CHEDDAR"
 me: Ha ha ha!
via Wisconsin Cheese Mart