Oh, here are some things.


In Case You Are Melting

I joked with my sidekick last night (I wasn't joking) that we've reached the the part of the year where all I want to drink is Mexican beer. The only beer I will fruit - just shove a lime in a Pacifico and send me on my way. I have to admit, when I said that, I'd momentarily forgotten about this bad boy. Allow me to introduce you to the Pucker Up.

If those straws do not make you swoon, you may want to check your pulse.

If you know me, there's pretty much no chance I've never made you drink one of these. There are a lot of reasons that I love my Sidekick, but inventing this is probably one of the top ten. I know you guys probably read this on Honest Cooking already, but today's weather made it feel especially pertinent. Drink up!

Pucker Up
juice of one lime
two slices of ginger
1 barspoon simple syrup
2 dashes Angostura bitters
2 oz. bourbon
seltzer to fill

Muddle lime, ginger, bitters and simple syrup. Strain into glass of ice. Add 2 ounces of bourbon. Fill with seltzer and stir. Enjoy in the sunshine.

This is also a great cocktail to make ahead in batches. Simply muddle all your ingredients, strain and add the bourbon as a base. Then, when ready to drink, add seltzer to taste and dole out by the pitcherful.

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